The Committee

Who are we?

Our band is run by a group of band members, volunteering their time to organise our gigs, support our musical director and generally organise everything. 

Nick Thayer (Chair)
Nick plays the alto sax in the band and the piano at home. He joined the band many years ago and joined the committee in 2015. He's been playing music since he was 6, and has tried most instruments. He loves playing film scores, although will always take any opportunity for an excellent jazz solo.

Janet Haighton (Secretary)
Janet first joined the band around 1997 and left after a few years for family commitments. She re-joined the band in 2011.  Janet plays 3rd clarinet in the main band and helps the clarinet section in the wind band. She joined the committee as secretary in 2013 helping to organise concerts and band social events.

Rhiannon Walters (Treasurer)
Rhiannon plays the clarinet. She first joined the Wind Band in 2016 after many years away from playing, and soon got her confidence back in several weeks to join the Concert Band (so her philosophy is always give it a go as it soon comes back!). She joined the Committee in 2017 and became Treasurer that same year. Her favourite music is film scores, popular and classical.

Jo Birch (Libraian)
Jo B plays the flute and joined the band in April 2017. She was on committee by Christmas that same year. At band she most enjoys playing TV, film and popular music and can often be found handing out music as our Concert Band Librarian.

Jo Thayer (Safeguarding lead)

Jo joined the band back in 2013 and the committee 6 monts later. She's been playing the flute for more years than she'd like to admit, but at least 30! She particularly enjoys playing a bit of Disney. 

Richard Cluley
Richard returned to playing the French Horn aided by the welcome he received from the Nantwich Concert Band, following a gap of 50 years away from the instrument, and is now active in the band, a local orchestra and the Weaver Quintet. He also spends some of his time arranging music for the Quintet and Wind Band among other ensembles. A keen gardener, he enjoys hosting music groups of various sizes and types in his home and garden on a regular basis.

Richard Gibson 
Richard plays Euphonium at NCB but first joined the group on Trumpet. After mistakenly bringing an empty case to rehearsal one week, Richard spent one rehearsal on the Euphonium and has not looked back since! He's also got a bit of a reputation amongst the band as an expert baker, but that's a secret!

Anne Mackey
Anne has been a librarian for 30 years with another two years working in Family Support. A book lover, creative writer, sock knitter, and cyclist Anne is a Blue Peter badge winner for the worst drawing of a parrot ever. She's been playing alto sax for five years now.  "There are no wrong notes, just new interpretations."

Hayden Close 
Hayden joined the band after visiting our stall a the Nantwich Societies Spectacular! In addition to playing Alto Sax and Clarinet, Hayden is a big football fan and keen SCUBA diver.